Greg and Hue Chon White were sent out by Grace Community Church in 1992 with a team of 3 other families to start a training center for pastors and to minister to Ukrainians through their local churches. Greg graduated from The Master's Seminary in 1992 with his M.Div and shortly thereafter left the States to serve in Ukraine where he now enjoys a fruitful ministry in the Irpin Seminary and his local church.


  • To train Ukrainian men in the Irpin Biblical Seminary to be better prepared to teach and preach God's Word.
  • To train Ukrainian leaders to be teachers in local Bible colleges.
  • To pastor in Grace Bible Church, Kiev, Ukraine and to train up future leaders for our church.

Current Ministry:


Professor of New Testament at Irpin Biblical Seminary. He teaches:

  • New Testament Greek
  • Hermenuetics (principles of Bible interpretation)
  • 1 Corinthians, Ephesians
  • History of Theology
  • Dean of Graduate Studies at Irpin Biblical Seminary
  • Pastor of Grace Bible Church in Kiev, Ukraine

Greg administrates and directs the seminary's Master of Divinity program. This program is three years in length and has a twofold purpose: first, it is designed to better prepare men to preach and teach God's Word; second, it is designed to prepare the men to be teachers of others.

Greg also pastors the small congregation of thirty-five members. His focus is to love the people and feed them God's Word through weekly Friday night Bible studies and Sunday morning services.

Hue Chon

  • Discipling young ladies